Tech is not that much as people think.

In the field, I often observe that many people think working with technology makes them better than others.

If this were a joke, no one would laugh anyway...

Let's go over a few:

We're not better; we work for them.

We need to maintain the highest level of respect for those who pay our salaries and keep our jobs secure.

Regarding the first point, it's simple: when someone wants a change or a new feature, it's our job to make it possible. We have the power to turn complexity into a single button and make life easier for hundreds or thousands of people.

Yes, we're good at what we do, but we do these things for others, not for ourselves. They need to be satisfied with what we've done; otherwise, it's time wasted.

To wrap up, let's talk about respect. No one here would just go up to their boss and say, "F you!"

Our clients are our bosses. We need to build what they want the way they want it because at the end of the day, tech isn't about tech itself; it's about making non-tech people's lives better.

Written by : pedro.mussato

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